The Timeline of a Typical IA Journey

The Timeline of a Typical IA Journey

  • Pawan Jadhav
  • March 4, 2020
Category: Robotic Process Automation, Process Automation Best Practices, Intelligent Automation

Last week, I explored the key pillars of building an Intelligent Automation (IA) strategy, as part of our IA blog series. Now you’ve built your strategy, let’s explore a typical timeline for implementing it.


While it may seem overwhelming, the digital operating model doesn’t need to be established on day one. Instead, a typical model is established in a phased manner over 12 to 18 months.

This is what a typical journey looks like:


At this stage, you may be wondering what categories of Intelligent Automation technologies exist and how we do phase them in your implementation timeline?

Lateetud recommends a three-tiered execution, mapped to the three-phases indicated above in the timeline. The tiers are based on the complexity of the processes and maturity of the COE organization.

  1. Tier 1
    • Simple Structured Processes: This includes RPA, OCR and simple workflows (BPM). In this tier, it’s important to capture quick wins or low hanging fruits.
  2. Tier 2
    • Interpret Information and Make Judgements: Go after more complex RPA and BPM/workflow use cases that involve complex rules. You can also investigate Intelligent Data Capture that uses specialized machine learning, and simple NLP can be tackled here, as well.
  3. Tier 3
    • Pattern Recognition or Evolved Behavior: This comprises of Chatbots powered by AI and ML, decisioning systems, NLP etc.


Now that you’ve explored the appropriate strategy and timeline for your organization, what should you look out for, when embarking on IA? In our next post, we’ll look at the “Do’s and Don’ts” of IA. In the meantime, visit for more information about how IA can benefit your organization.