The 7 major pitfalls to be avoided when implementing Robotic Process Automation

The 7 major pitfalls to be avoided when implementing Robotic Process Automation

  • Author
  • January 8, 2020
Category: Robotic Process Automation, Process Automation Best Practices, Intelligent Automation
  1. Research and Analysis of The Client Business Process In-Depth – (Discovery Phase)

    The RPA Companies must study the nature of the client’s business carefully before implementing the process. This can be termed as “Discovery Phase” which is the first and foremost step to begin the process of analysis.


    The study must gather the below information:

    • Business is standard or subjected to changes.
    • Analyse the domain to implement RPA.
    • Infrastructure / System requirements.
    • Total Number of employees and their role in the organization.
    • Time and cost analysis of ongoing manually operated projects.
    • Check on availability of accurate data.

    Business Is Standard or Subjected to Changes: As known the RPA implementation process has a higher success rate in standard business operations than non-standard business processes, which requires regular human invention to execute the task successfully. Choosing the business process is very important.

    Analyse the Domain to Implement RPA: During this process of study an experienced analysist and RPA team can gauge the domain, where maximum RPA implementation process can be most benefited. Identifying and implementing the process in the right domain can double the client’s business productivity.


    Infrastructure / System Requirements: System requirements for implementing BOTs to the actual workforce must meet certain standards to support the program designed. Documenting system performance and availability can form a chain connection with other processes such as cost analysis and deployment stage.

    Time and Cost Analysis: Tracking the total time and number of days spent on a particular task along with analysis of cost break-up for project completion thru manual workforce, can help in giving inputs during comparative study between BOTS and manual process. This data is very much essential to show the client on the performance and growth transition of business, post-deployment of BOTS.

    Check on Availability of Accurate Data: Accurate DATA MINING plays a vital role in successful implementation of RPA. Any error in data accumulated can lead to cost overrun for reconfiguration of the entire process and the BOTS may also become redundant with repetitive changes in the command.


  2. Implementing the System of RPA Team Management and Work Process:

    Companies having complete teams such as Analysts, SMEs, technical architects, solution architects, program developers, IT coordinators, marketing strategists and others professional, under one roof makes the work process fast and cost-effective. Many large organizations boost this as the potential point for building a marketing strategy. Whereas start-ups and other small organizations mostly depend on subcontracted partner's support for the entire process building. To sustain and surpass all competitive levels, companies must sturdily follow certain points before implementing RPA in operation:

    • Analysing the Partner Company’s expertise level
    • Well-defined terms and condition agreement
    • Implementing on cost and time management
    • Resilient maintenance support
    • Best marketing strategist to sell the ideas

    Analysing Partnering Company’s Expertise Level: Not all organizations can have complete process teams under one umbrella. Such companies must source the subject knowledge expertise and reliable partners to support RPA lifecycle. As all the below process are interlinked with each other, having a strong partnering bond help in running the complete process without any hindrance.


    Well-Defined Terms and Conditions in Agreement: Contract should be structured with terms and conditions benefitting the organization, partners, and clients. Any loophole in the agreement has to be verified and make necessary changes before implementing the work. This can resolve any disagreement in the work process.

    Implementing on Cost and Time Management: Following the right procedure in implementing RPA, timely communication between teams, error-free designing and development process, successful deployment and maintenance can cut down on working hours and costs gradually.

    Resilient Maintenance Support: RPA is a technology that needs constant monitoring and maintenance post-deployment on site. “put in place and forget” can never be applied to the automation process. Experienced IT partners in supporting the BOTS performance without obstacles, ensures the project achieves 100% triumph.

    Best Marketing Strategist: Organization having expert marketing strategists can witness accelerating business growth. Overall RPA Process and futuristic Ideas developed in inventory have to be shown to the clients. A visionary plan must be structured to get acceptance from the clients to implantation automation in their workforce. Digital transformation concept should be well communicated to pool in the sponsors, investors, and the end-users.

  3. Selecting the Right RPA Tool:

    In the process of customization of software program to perform particular task with precision, the developer must have the freedom to explore the techniques in RPA TOOL efficiently in a larger spectrum.

    Companies selecting the RPA tools based on cost will destroy many automation opportunities. RPA cannot be reserved to the simpler processes, with time companies must invest in mastering the cognitive technology implementation in BOTS. Limitations in the use of RPA tools can block the innovate thought process.


  4. Employee Resistance and Misconception About RPA Technology:

    People think that to control the RPA process the user must have significant technical knowledge. A bubble of fear is created before exploring the process, leaving the user with an illusion that the RPA is made only for a highly genius group of people.

    To bring down on misconceptions about RPA, an organization must initiate an RPA knowledge processing hub in the workforce before giving employees direct access to the tool. RPA e-learning modules, webinars, demo lessons, seminars etc. will help the user to gain confidence and results in better performance while working on real projects.

    Employee Resistance is quite obvious whenever a new technology is ready for deployment. Mainly adapting to new responsibilities can be stressful for employees. Organizations must motivate the employees to adopt and learn the process well in advance. Upgradation of knowledge is very essential to withstand the competition.

  5. Implementing RPA Testing Skills:


    RPA companies must stringently follow the guidelines and RPA lifecycle process to get 100 % accomplishment. If your expertise and over confidence take over the process by skipping initial verification, can make the designed format redundant. True leadership lies in making the right decision at right time, never get into overconfidence and ignore the minor error’s encountered while programming the BOTS. As BOTS can’t except sorry as humans. They only have two options either perform or terminate. In the RPA process, Testing Phase must be given extra priority by conducting tests with different variations and correct the errors before entering the deployment phase. Testing made with accuracy, can eliminate many obstacles saving time and cost of rebuilding the complete process.

  6. Alignment with The IT Management Team:

    RPA Even though I have partially discussed IT management, I would still like to elaborate on this topic because it is one of the crucial team to manage the RPA process post-deployment. IT team carries the dream forward of the investor, buyers, users and a whole lot of RPA R& D team to build the future of RPA. With this note, RPA companies cannot push complete responsibility on the IT department. As RPA is a customized software program, each BOTS designed are project-specific. To get accustomed to the procedures, take one step at a time instead of handling multiple tasks. IT team must be given role-specific tasks, as handling BOTS is more sensitive compared to the human. The breach in communication can lead to failure of the complete process. Thus Team leaders in the IT department must be trained to build proper network and communication within the workforce. Any irregularities and changes noticed in the process must be communicated with the application managers and other required team members immediately. This disciplined work policy will help in the long run of the process efficiently.

  7. Client Commitment:

    To have a long term association with the client, RPA organizations must meet their commitment towards the project implementation. They cannot request the client to adjust for the variations occurred during the process of development. Adhering to the assured results by providing error free program with 100% accuracy in performance is considered as an ethical business rule.


    Frequent planned visits: Visiting the client and taking the feedback on performance, support post deployment, helps the company in enhancing the structure in future implementation techniques.

    Customer support 24/7: To Make the process user-friendly, RPA companies should be open to provide 24/7 customer care support to the clients. As RPA process is new to many end users, timely support and quicker solutions, helps in running the process efficiently without any interruption, with this the lifespan of the BOTS performance increases significantly.