The Timeline of a Typical IA Journey
Last week, I explored the key pillars of building an Intelligent Automation (IA) strategy, as part of our IA blog series.
6 Ways Intelligent Automation (IA) Can Boost Efficiency and Productivity
Last week, we explored the major indicators of a need for an Intelligent Automation (IA) solution.
6 Signs You Need an Intelligent Automation Solution
As digital transformation forges on, we find daily opportunities for Intelligent Automation (IA) . Our last post in this series examined IA and its true definition.
What is Intelligent Automation?
Intelligent Automation (IA) is a hot topic in the automation space (for good reason). The benefits of incorporating IA into your existing operations are vast – so vast, it warrants an entire blog series.
The 7 major pitfalls to be avoided when implementing Robotic Process Automation
The RPA Companies must study the nature of the client’s business carefully before implementing the process.
Robotic Process Automation: Traditional Vs AI-Powered
There was a time when we imagined what will happen if Sci-Fi movies become a reality. What if robots or robotic applications become a part of our life?
Application design in the times of RPA
Software applications need interfaces to interact with users and other applications. The interface for users is intuitively called the user interface.
Data Extraction challenges from Semi-Structured & Unstructured data source and how to overcome it
Enterprises globally are now looking at data as a strategic tool for driving informed decisions to oversee revenue growth.
Everything you need to know about Agile Process Management Solutions
Many enterprises are focusing on re-engineering and speeding up their business processes. Processes need to be adaptive too.
Shoo Away the Elephant - the "How" of Process Automation
Or maybe tame it for now...I am talking about the same elephant that has been in the room occupying most of the space, sometimes…
Robotic Process Automation - Opportunities in Data Migration
How do you migrate data out of an application when you do not know the data model or where the application data is stored in…